CITP Midterm Review: KPIs streamlined towards Achievement of Transformation Goals

14th November 2018

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36 Thrust Level KPIs announced in place of original 9 Thrust Level KPIs and 115 Initiative KPIs

KUALA LUMPUR, November 14, 2018 – The midterm review of the Construction Industry Transformation Programme (CITP) has been announced today by the Minister of Works, Tuan Baru Bian after chairing the first Ministerial Committee meeting on the CITP.

The midterm review was conducted in the middle of this year to relook at all initiatives and KPI performances and propose enhancements as to ensure the achievement of all CITP targeted outcome towards and after 2020.

The CITP has been launched in 2015 as a National blueprint for the transformation of the construction industry, within the implementation period of 2016 to 2020. The targeted transformation areas are divided into four strategic thrusts, with an aspired end-state as below;

1. Strategic Thrust 1: Quality, Safety and Professionalism
End-state: Quality, Safety and Professionalism to be ingrained in industry culture;

2. Strategic Thrust 2: Environmental Sustainability
End-state: Malaysia’s sustainable infrastructure to be a model for the emerging world;

3. Strategic Thrust 3: Productivity
End-state: Productivity more than doubled with higher wages; and

4. Strategic Thrust 4: Internationalisation
End-state: Malaysia champions to lead the charge locally and abroad.

In all, the original CITP has 9 thrust KPIs, 21 initiatives and 115 active KPIs.

Up until the second quarter of 2018, the achievement of the 115 KPIs against the target set has been excellent with an overall achievement of 98%. However, it is observed that the actual industry performance does not appear to be in tandem with the encouraging performance of CITP and some of the KPIs are not outcome based.

Therefore, the Ministry of Works has proposed for the CITP to undergo a midterm review exercise in 2018, to assess the overall achievements, as it is the half-way mark in the implementation of CITP, said Tuan Baru Bian.

“Our goal for the midterm review is to close the loop between KPI setting and achievements and the actual attainment of CITP overall outcomes and aspirations as spelled out within each strategic thrust,” he said.
The realignment under the midterm review takes into account the relevance of KPIs, re-evaluating the current performance against the aspired end-goal or intermediate end-goals, revisiting the governance structure and taking stock of how the industry can continue to contribute to the CITP in a more meaningful manner.

“In ensuring a more certain and impactful outcome by 2020, the CITP midterm review is indeed a strategic and timely approach. We believe that with the review, the aspirations of the CITP can be better realised and felt by the country’s entire stakeholders,” he said.

Under the KPI review, the targeted end-goal of all strategic thrusts remains, but the thrust level KPIs has been set at 36, to ensure that all KPIs will contribute directly to the achievement of the overall CITP aspirations.

Towards achieving the KPIs, the initial CITP governance structure included 20 Initiative Working Groups (IWG) made up of industry leaders and senior government officials from relevant ministries. Many IWG meetings and engagements were held in the past two years since the launch of CITP to solicit views from the members and report on current achievement status. Moving forward, the IWG will be replaced with a pool of subject-matter experts and partners whom will be more hands on in driving the achievement of KPIs together with the KPI owners.

The CITP review is aligned to the 11th Malaysia Plan (11th MP) review which was just completed. The 11th MP Mid-term Review sets a new priority and emphasis in reforming existing policies and outlining revised socio-economic targets for the period of 2018-2020. It takes into account the aspirations of the new government, the current economic and global challenges. The efforts are focused on stimulating economic growth while ensuring greater benefits to all levels of society.

The 11th MP Mid-term Review outlines 6 pillars to support inclusive growth and sustainable development which includes:

• 1st pillar: reforming governance towards enhancing transparency and efficiency of public services;

• 2nd pillar: strengthen the inclusion and prosperity of the people;

• 3rd pillar: create a balanced regional development;

• 4th pillar: empower human capital;

• 5th pillar: improving environmental sustainability through green growth; and

• 6th pillar: strengthening economic growth across all sectors of the economy.

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