
Life-Cycle Costing Analysis: Mandatory for all Infrastructure Projects

13rd May 2017 This article was originally published in the LinkedIn. Read the full version here. Infrastructure projects are the catalyst that drives economic growth. Physical infrastructure such as roads, ports, rail, highways, airports, power and water supply are needed for the transportation of goods, people mobility, ensuring the production of manufacturers and so many


KL-Singapore High Speed Rail (HSR) Project Conference 2017

3rd May 2017 More information about the conference can refer to the website. Read the full article here. Our Director, Girish Ramachandran will be speaking at the KL-Singapore High Speed Rail (HSR) Project Conference 2017. He will be discussing on sustainability of High Speed Rail project using life cycle costing approach – session titled ‘Advancing the High Speed Rail


Govt and project challenges faced

31st March 2017 More information about the article can refer to the Malaysian Reserve. Read the full article here. The government must adopt proper procurement mechanism for raw materials such as steel bars, cement, bricks and timber to avoid pressure on suppliers, built asset consultancy firm EC Harris director Girish Ramachandran said. He said such measure


Singapore tops Asia in returns per capita from infrastructure, buildings

28th November 2016 More information about the article can refer to the website. Read the full article here. Our Director, Girish Ramachandran said: “Singapore’s economic growth, which exemplifies development through investment both in built and intangible assets, is certainly slowing. However, the resilience of Singapore’s economic growth over decades has been remarkable and so only a slight reduction


MDBC Sustainability Awards 2016: Day Program

6th October 2016 More information about the Program can refer to the website. Read the full article here. Our Director, Girish Ramachandran will be speaking at the day program of MDBC Sustainability Awards 2016. He will be sharing the research and experience in sustainability of the city to improve life quality. According to the 2016 Arcadis Sustainable Cities Index, Kuala


Malaysia loosing her competitiveness ? Or is the competition picking up pace.

1st October 2016 This article was originally published in the LinkedIn. Read the full version here. Quick review of WEF 2016/2017 report which ranks Malaysia now at 25th from 18th of our 138 countries. Areas for immediate focus include: Secondary education enrollment rate Tertiary education enrollment rate Organised crime Irregular payments and bribes Business costs



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