Andrew Pickford
Senior Advisor – Intelligent Transport Systems
27 Advisory
Andrew Pickford is a policy advisor and management consultant that is focused on the design and global application of Electronic Toll Collection, Automatic Fee Collection (AFC) and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) to transport infrastructure, including cost appraisal, performance management and technology-based strategies in general.
Within these application areas, his competencies include investment appraisal; policy & regulatory stress testing; policy road mapping; business process design; procurement strategy development; scoping funding & financing mechanisms; development of performance management regimes; programme management and long-term implementation support.
He also project managed the first implementation of DartTag electronic system in the UK, Singapore’s Electronic Road pricing (ERP) system from 1995 onwards, provided initial concept of operations for Asia Pacific’s first Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system in Australia (Melbourne City Link); defined and validated evolution options for London’s congestion charging scheme. He was instrumental in the establishment of South Africa’s national ETC regime, including a phased implementation of MLFF gantries (initially 42) in Gauteng province and national ITS Design Build Operate Maintain (DBOM) scheme and its regional network ETC scheme from 2006-2013. Most recently he authored ‘Detailed Report on Tolling Strategy and Tolling System’ Agreement No. CE 9/2013 (HY) on the feasibility of MLFF tolling at the Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel in Hong Kong, led a design review of a MLFF scheme for the M50 in Ireland.